guerrilla goodness 6…going gourd

October 31, 2008

“It’s my very first Halloween costume.” Jorge said.

“Really?” I replied.

“Well, except the one year my mom did let me dress up as a cowboy but I barely remember it.”
he explained.

It explained a lot actually. It explains why he was so excited this morning, pouring over the tiniest details of his Village People construction worker costume for work. He was so engrossed in trimming his blond wig that we were 40 minutes late for school. How could I stay mad? He was following his Halloween bliss.

and I decided I should too….so I got 10 of the 300 pumpkins in my front yard (another story entirely) and wrote messages on them. Lyra (on her first GG mission) and I put them all over our city.

don’t give up

it will be…

you are awesome! (it’s true)

you are beautiful…

my favorite was “believe in love” but I couldn’t get a decent picture.

Enjoy the candy goodwill tonight my friends! May guerrilla kindness find you soon wherever you are…

10 Responses to “guerrilla goodness 6…going gourd”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Well, if guerrilla kindness doesn’t find me today, perhaps a guerrilla Halloween candy sugar coma will! 😀

    I must hear how you got 300 pumpkins in your front yard, aside from planting about 75 pumpkin seeds earlier this year.

  2. Alice Says:

    I’d love to hear the 300 pumpkin story also but I love the guerrilla goodness a la pumpkin today. How did Lyra do?

  3. Cory Says:

    This is absolutely awesome!! I loved this in ways you have no idea…..Sarah and I were just commenting on how much we love meeting genuinely nice and kind people here in Richmond, and you are an absolute GEM!!

    I hope you and the gang have a wonderful Halloween,
    Cory and Sarah

  4. liz elayne Says:

    love this.
    just love it!

  5. nikole Says:

    This is amazing! Thank you for being you.

  6. Nan Says:

    40 minutes! This makes me laugh – I bet Jorge looked awesome. When are you going to start homeschooling these kids all the time? Sounds like they would have had a great lesson placing all of those pumpkins.
    You are lovely, Chica, and so’s that sweet brand new baby girl of yours!!!!

  7. Windsor Says:

    I love it! So very Pache! And I can picture Jorge with the big kid smile, trimming the wig!

  8. angela Says:

    I wish I could have seen it
    it would have made my day

  9. sapphiredaedra Says:

    You are so inspirational! I will carry your ideas with me in my heart and soul, and only hope to have as much guerrilla goodness as you have developed. The world needs all of us to have a little more hope, love and faith.

  10. […] guerrilla goodness: going gourd […]

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