guerrilla goodness 12: the great ding dong ditch…

June 30, 2010

Remember I told you about getting to lead a kindness mission for the lovely summer e-class on rest, play and the power of kindness? So very excited to be partnering with the Mondo Beyondo Dream Lab for this very special Guerrilla Goodness mission! It isn’t too late to join all the goodness going on in the lab!

It was a hot summer day 2 years ago, almost as steaming as our recent days. I was enormously pregnant and found myself with five kids picking sunflowers in a field and delivering them to random doors all over Richmond. The first ding dong ditch opened my heart to experience the power of kindness in a time when I needed it most. I hope this mission and kindness does the same for you. Let’s do The Great Ding Dong Ditch together!

Here’s how it works:

During the weekend of June 30- July 7th our mission is to Ding Dong Ditch a house (or many) with kindness. What is Ding Dong Ditchin’ you ask? Simply leave something nice on a doorstep, ring the doorbell (or knock) and run away as fast as you can. This can be someone you know or don’t know but the excitement is doing this act of kindness anonymously. It almost always leads to racing hearts, laughing hard and high fives for us. I hope it will be as much fun for you!

Good things to leave:

We usually write a note explaining it is an act of kindness so we don’t create some awful secret admirer scenario.

Any amount is fine, it’s best to put it in an envelope to keep it safe and so you can leave a note.

A Sign
You can leave a sign draped down the steps for someone to find or tape it to a porch.
Ideas- you are amazing! (it’s true)
have a great day!
believe in love!
you are beautiful!

Ding Dongs
This cupcake sort of treat can be found at your local grocery store. This is my kid’s favorite to DDD their friends.
We leave a note saying, “You’ve been Ding Dong ditched!” and then we eat some ourselves. Big hit!

other simple ideas-
Card or note of encouragement
Small work of art
Gift card or certificate
A Mixed CD

Things you should know:

This doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Something simple can mean a lot.

The best part is the mystery, I love imagining who might live in the house I am ditching. I always throw a little request out into the wind that the intention of my heart and the kindness will be well received.

If the whole idea totally freaks you out, you can start small. Ding dong ditch someone you know. You can even just leave your kindness when they aren’t home and then build to the big DDD later when you feel more confident in what you are doing and the process. DDD secret- I am STILL nervous every time, but I think that is part of the rush and joy.

If you get caught, introduce yourself and tell the person what you are doing. I have never been caught directly but have done other projects where we directly handed out flowers to strangers and had to explain. I have also had to explain to onlookers or protective neighbors. You may get a variety of responses but most people appreciate the effort and intention.

It’s best to go in pairs for safety, to have a get-a-way driver and mostly because it’s hella fun to share. Only DDD in neighborhoods and areas you are familiar with and feel comfortable in. I also do not DDD in any yard where dogs are not leashed or behind fences. I should let you know, in years of doing this, I have never had a negative experience or felt unsafe. This is just good common sense stuff to remember.

Go forth, ding dong ditch and have the time of your life! Kindness has you now!

You can upload pictures from your GG adventures at the GG Flickr Pool. Let us see all the joy!

11 Responses to “guerrilla goodness 12: the great ding dong ditch…”

  1. meghan melvin Says:

    love it! I most recently sent out cards with a fabulous quote to people with no return address or signature…DDD via male person 😉

  2. sazzy Says:

    oh my goodness….i love this idea.

    do i have the courage?

    i’m going to try and see what happens…

  3. Cindy C. Says:

    How fun!! Been doing this for a long time…but can’t tell what. That would ruin the anonymous nature, wouldn’t it? 😉

  4. Alex Says:


    Although my first thought?: Hope someone leaves cupcakes for me!

    And then I thought: But doesn’t ring my doorbell because if they wake my baby up, I’ll track them down to rock her back to sleep. And then enjoy my cupcakes.

    Maybe it just means that I need to get my kindness going. I used to do it for med school. Shh… don’t tell those grumpy doctors 😀

  5. Martina Says:

    Wow, imagine my surprise today when my doorbell rang and no one was there. What was there was the neatest little package! There were 2 fresh cucumbers, a fabulous magnet for my refrigerator, a sticker that says “Life is Good” and some really cool sticky notes. All of this was tied with a ribbon and and had a small note attached to tell me that I was part of the “summer ding-dong ditch” with this website at the bottom. It absolutely made my day!! All I can think about now is who I want to do this same thing to. THank you a million times to the wonderful person, or people, who have included me in the spreading of joy!

  6. […] 5. Kindness Girl is enchanting. And I can’t wait to try out some of her guerilla goodness like the great ding dong ditch […]

  7. […] undone by it…and in awe. Thank you Gayle and Margaret for making my week, and closing out The Great Ding Dong Ditch with such a bang! Posted by kindnessgirl Filed in kindness writes… Leave a Comment […]

  8. zerrin Says:

    This is a fantastic idea! And I’ve never heard something like this here in Turkey. It is wonderful way to teach kindness and make people happy.

  9. […] the greatest kindness. We didn’t know how we could ever thank them, although Jack suggested ding dong ditching them his entire savings, we settled on some homemade chocolate chip cookies and thank you notes. […]

  10. […] guerrilla goodness: the great ding dong ditch w/ mondo beyondo […]

  11. […] The Great Ding Dong Ditch is over but that doesn’t mean that you still can’t get in on the fun. Kindness Girl’s mission was to Ding Dong Ditch a house (or many) with kindness. What is Ding Dong Ditchin’ you ask? Simply leave something nice on a doorstep, ring the doorbell or knock & run away as fast as you can. This would be such a great summer activity to do with your friends or kids! Don’t have the extra money to spend on gifts, you could use some of our Freebies! […]

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