guerrilla goodness: kindness popsicles

June 24, 2011

It’s been sweltering, that Virginia kind of southern heat. All I can think about when things are so sticky is

1. I think Virginia might even be hotter than Miami.
2. Somewhere right now Ashley Judd is makin’ a movie with her glistening self with magnolias in the background. I wish I glistened, but we pretty much sweat around here.

We were hankerin’ for some popsicles so off we went to buy a ridiculous amount for both ourselves and Monroe Park. Monroe Park is sort of a haven for homeless folks in our town but is also right next to a university and smack dab in the city. Lots of people that might be interested in some fruity frozen sweetness.

We didn’t have any guerrilla goodness cards with us so Josiah made that awesome sign to stick on the box and MacGyver-ed it with a band-aid at the top. See it? It’s amazing what you can find in the glove box in a pinch, if only there had been some wipes in there it would have been awesome!

I do not really think about what we are doing when we go on kindness adventures, I don’t think about the impact or the purpose…we just sort of go and be in the moment, we meet people, collect stories, play…but this day it was almost as if I was just observing, watching over and it all hit me at once.

My little girls had no fear once we got going, nothing holding them back to connect with folks, offer what we had, become friends. I realized they had absolutely no idea that most of the people they were talking to probably had mental health issues, or struggle with addiction or even that they were homeless…it was just about popsicles, like you would pop a squat with a friend at preschool or tell your dad’s co-worker all about your new stuffed animal. This kind of touched me, seeing their innocence that comes with their age but also realizing, they have done this so many times, met so many people, they don’t really know any different…this is life, a hot summer afternoon.

I felt sort of proud, in that mother look-at-my-babies kind of way… hoping that when they get old, they will be able to make friends anywhere, feel at home in the world and in their heart… see, appreciate and know the beauty of love all around.

An adventure for you:

It’s hot almost everywhere!! Take a box of popsicles to the playground or park and pass them out.

Have fun and tell us how it went in the comments if you decide to play!

*Disclaimer*- go at your own risk- go to a place you are familiar with and feel safe! Not everyone feels safe or comfortable mixing with strangers or a public place, it’s okay! You can take a box to the office, or your play date/group, or even the neighborhood!

(I also noticed how much I did NOT want to take pictures of this one, it felt weird…you don’t always have to document, sometimes it’s better to just be.)

13 Responses to “guerrilla goodness: kindness popsicles”

  1. lisa Says:

    how very very lovely. this makes me smile.

  2. you inspire me. thank you!

  3. @heyart Says:

    This is great!

    (I also like the very last sentence)

  4. Great idea, P! Going to do this at the store tomorrow, to surprise my completely put-upon coworkers. Thanks!

  5. Michelle Allen Says:

    My son saw the picture of your kids and said, “Is that Kindness Woman’s sidekicks?”. You’ve officially made it to superhero status. I can’t wait to get your comic books!

  6. bahiehk Says:

    This is awesome!!! The guy in the first picture looks just about enchanted by the idea 🙂

    And when I have kids, I will send them to you for kindness camps, ok?


  7. Brenda Says:

    awesome idea…once again! 🙂 It has actually been COLD-ish here in Indiana…we’ll have to wait for a few days, but great, great idea! Why is it that I think to do that at school…surprise kiddos with popscicles, but I didn’t think of treating the rest of the world to a popscicle! And really, who doesn’t LOVE a popscicle?! 🙂

  8. A big ol’ thank you from the Poor of Monroe Park! I wasn’t there, but I know that the folks who were appreciated your efforts more than you can guess. Sorry that you didn’t feel comfortable taking pictures…there’s some great opportunities for taking amazing photos all over the Park. You can see a few I have taken on the facebook page for the Richmond Poor People’s Food Festival.
    Please feel welcome at the Park, where the biggest danger is from the police!

  9. I have just spent the last few hours getting blissfully lost in your blog, reading all the way back to 2009… It’s always amazing to find a fellow kindness crusader, and this discovery is very timely. I needed a boost of inspiration and a confirmation on the importance of continuing to spread kindness every day, no matter what. Your photos are stunning and its absolutely food for my soul reading about all your creativity and self-awareness. Thankyou.


    • kindnessgirl Says:

      so now I got lost on YOUR blog and kindness magic! You are a soul sister indeed C! looking forward to getting to know you and following your work/life!

  10. Malika Says:

    Kindness Girl, I have long believed that kindness is exactly what we need more of – that it transforms lives… Of both the recipients and the givers. Thanks so much for inspiring me to more purposefully put my belief into practice. I love the idea of Guerilla Goodness!

  11. […] guerrilla goodness: kindness popsicles […]

  12. This is so cute. I have included this in my Spring Acts of Kindness post. Thanks for sharing!

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