moving on…

April 17, 2015

So, it’s time…it’s been a long time coming actually. Kindnessgirl has brought me so much joy and challenge over the years. It helped me find myself and empowered the call of my heart. I am forever grateful to so many that grew this community and joined in on creating so much goodness in the world. I could have never imagined all that came from it.

In the middle of all the goodness, it gave me a chance and space to grow. So the evolution continues, and I am really excited to share the next part. While KindnessGirl and the archives will continue to live on here, I have started a new blog called

HumanKIND– a collection of stories and photos finding beauty in the dark and power in the light.

It’s different and feels so right for the next chapter. I hope you will join me there.

much love and so much gratitude,


6 Responses to “moving on…”

  1. Cindy Says:

    How can I follow Human Kind? With Kindnessgirl it automatically comes to Inbox. I didn’t see a follow or notify me button. I want to stay in the loop!

  2. Good luck on your new journey. Thank you for all that you have done with kindnessgirl. will be following along in your new journey.

  3. Says:

    I have enjoyed your posts so very much. A you still have any of the kindness changes everything” stickers that I could buy from you? They have made such a change in those I have shared with. Thank you.

  4. Linda Shirley Says:

    There was a time in the 1970’s when I was a ardent feminist because of the injustices I and my sex suffered.. I evolved. One day I looked at my fragile beautiful son and realized that what I really needed to be was a HUMANIST to help make the world better for us all.

  5. Linda Shirley Says:

    The photos are fantastic. So beautiful. As well as the writing. How can I get them into my “IN Box?” I am picky about my email but look forward to this.

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