guerrilla goodness 9: candy kids

September 2, 2009

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While out eating a fine dinner of burgers and fries the other night, Josiah had a moment of kindness genius. I thought this idea was particularly stellar.

“Mom, you know those vending machines (gumball machine) over there? What if we put quarters in there and the candy was just there as a kindness for a kid to find?”

I couldn’t think of a better idea for a random act of kindness from one kid to another. How many times do we say no to that stuff? It was perfect. Off we were to get a roll of quarters. The kids knew it was going to be a good mission when the bank teller put lollipops in with our quarters. It seemed appropriate that the candy mission was starting with some.

“Look mom, these are the hands of kindness!” Josiah said. He was bursting with pride the entire day, deciding how we should execute each part of the plan.

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We stuck quarters in some  and left them, others we taped a note to the bottom where the candy comes out.

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We hit some malls, restaurants, other random spots…we got some candy for ourselves too.

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Josiah must have said 5 times, “Isn’t this great mom?” It was, butthe kindness high felt a little secondary to the pride that was swelling in my heart.

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Pure kid goodness, almost as sweet as the candy…

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This is an easy one to do and sure to be a hit with your kids!

Don’t forget to bring your crew on September 7th at 3:00pm in front of the Carillon for the city-wide Guerrilla Goodness Sidewalk Love event. Can’t wait to go guerrilla with you…

18 Responses to “guerrilla goodness 9: candy kids”

  1. Chris Says:

    You and the kids SO rock! LOVE it! And I will be blogging soon about our GG West Coast Style soon and will let you know as soon as I post.

  2. Ahhhhhh PURE BLISS. That is the stuff sticky mommy hearts get mushy on….

  3. justatitch Says:

    I love this! What a great idea, and absolutely something kids can totally appreciate. Your kids are so stinkin’ cute, too!

  4. ginevra Says:

    that’s so sweet – in so many ways. 🙂

  5. oh my goodness… i utterly ADORE this… what joy and love and magic and suprise you and your sweet chilluns have shared. did you feel like you could fly afterwards? 🙂

    thank you for being you, sweet soul!

  6. Mariella Says:

    Awesome!!! love-love-love it!! xoxo, ~ M.

  7. What a wonderful gift you gave your children, helping them to create this for others. You rock, Mom!

  8. Vera Says:

    Your kids really “get” it. And that gives me much hope for the world 🙂

  9. carly Says:

    I just found your blog and I’m soooo happy I did.You’re the kind of person that inspires me and gives me hope!
    I love your blog and I think you’re wonderful for all you do and for teaching your children to be kind!I look forward to getting to know you and getting inspired by you!=0)

  10. I absolutely love this! I’m going to post a link to this from our Facebook fan page.
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Kelly Says:

    This is absolutely amazing and inspiring – what a great idea!!

  12. Kristie Says:

    What an Awesome idea!!

  13. […] Involve them in “Random Acts of Kindness” like leaving quarters in gumball machines, paying for a hot cocoa for the person behind you in line, or giving someone a […]

  14. Sherry Says:

    What a lovely idea. Kids constantly amaze me.

  15. hi,beautiful socks in your post,I love that nice socks,I need to find one for me,bill

  16. […] guerrilla goodness: candy kids […]

  17. […] be centered around it. Her & her children have went ding-dong ditching’ with sunflowers, filled random candy machines with quarters, left inspirational magic wands & gourds all over their city! The list doesn’t stop […]

  18. Clare Says:

    Great readingg your blog post

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