guerrilla goodness 11: you are loveable…

February 10, 2010

It all started at breakfast. I told her something terrible I said over slices of cheesecake and diet coke at 10am. The dear friend laughed and said. “You’re so loveable!”
“What?!” while grabbing yet another slice.
“You are!” she held firm and told me stories of people being loveable even at their worst.

and it stayed with me….so here we are at Valentine’s Day and a Guerrilla Goodness mission is born from the kind of wisdom that only comes from real love.

Let’s tell our city, in a million tiny ways that we are LOVEABLE!

Here’s the deal:

Grab a pad of post-its or other pretty paper.
Leave your message (it can be anything) of love for someone to find.
Then trust it is found at exactly the right moment by the perfect person.
Guerrilla Goodness bliss!

here are some good GG spots to leave your message:
bus stops
library books
bathroom stalls/mirrors
car windshields
grocery carts
subway seats
dressing rooms
toll booths
the gym
pant pockets
any tiny spot someone might stumble upon

If you decide to join our project in Richmond or some other city, let us know in the comments or upload a picture to the GG Flickr pool.

All is love this Valentine’s Day and I hope you know…you are loveable.

31 Responses to “guerrilla goodness 11: you are loveable…”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    I don’t know how you do it…it must seep out of your pores. You rock my world sweet lady. Love love love to your lovable self on this cold and windy day. xo

  2. Trish Says:

    This is F*A*N*T*A*S*T*I*C! Count me in……

  3. Chris Says:

    Okay, you SO know I’m in on this! And of course, camera will be in tow at the same time. Thank you, my friend. 😉

  4. I’m buying post-its in bulk. What a great idea and a great video Patience, I’ll make sure to spread the post-it love. ❤

  5. bahiehk Says:


    GG is so loveable.

  6. Oh. That video made me well up with Mommy Tears. The kids and I are in. Thanks so very much.

  7. Kelly Says:

    What is the song? I love it!!!!

    You and your you-ness are so contagious…

    • kindnessgirl Says:

      How are you Kelly?! The song is All is Love by Karen O and the kids….it’s from the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack

  8. what an awesome idea! i’m getting my post-its ready for tomorrow. xoxo

  9. Jane Crouse Says:

    Wow! What a fantastic idea. Count me in. Ditto on Slash’s comment to buy post-its in bulk. Thank you for your creativity and energy. I woke up thinking what the world needs know is love sweet love would be my FB post today. Lo and behold, Slash post’s a message to check out your video…and light is put on the path of guerrila goodness. I love it. May the Blessings Be.

    Peace and Love,
    Jane Crouse
    Universal Storyteller

  10. Sarah Says:

    Ruby says “hey, I know most of the people in that video!”
    We are going to put our pics in the Flickr pool now!

    • kindnessgirl Says:

      Ruby needs to be in the next video! 😉 thanks for sharing the pics…I loved what you wrote and GLEEEEEEEE!

  11. Lindsay Says:

    I wasn’t able to take photos, but I wanted to let you know that your mission of kindness has spread and was carried out today in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. My husband and I packed up our fifteen-month-old daughter in her stroller and spent the afternoon leaving ‘you are loveable’ pink heart-shaped post-its all over our neighbourhood – inside newspapers at the convenience store, on the bathroom mirror at Starbucks, inside mailboxes, on crosswalk posts… THANK YOU. I think that was the most fun way I’ve ever celebrated Valentine’s Day 🙂

  12. […] Tuesday morning on our local news show Virginia This Morning and it would be good to share how far our project is reaching! Happy Valentine’s Day dear friends! May all your kindness be returned […]

  13. Elizabeth Says:

    My daughter Kate and I rode our bikes around Ashland and hung little paper hearts with Valentine’s Day messages and pink ribbons from car mirrors, door handles and under windshield wiper blades. Sharing those hearts made ours feel even bigger-we loved spreading the love!
    Thanks for being the coolest.

  14. Nancy Mills Says:

    I love what you are doing. Please contact me. I have a very large site, I think one you would be a very good story for one of my bloggers. Also do you know about Alice, The Spirited Kid? She is the owner of

    She is sensational and is most definitely a super hero kid. Filled with kindness.

    I, too, adore flip flops and am know for wearing two different colored ones most of the time. All my best, Nancy

  15. […] Kindness will melt you, Remind yourself you are loveable. – what would you do for a grouchy person that you really love? Do whatever that is for […]

  16. […] This heart images of chains of love is taken from Flickr. In this site you can see images or clip art of chains of love love. chains of love images can be found on Flickr and share heart images on your social network, blog or site. kindness girl: guerrilla goodness #11 […]

  17. milee Says:

    Fantastic blog !!

  18. […] guerrilla goodness: you are loveable […]

  19. Williesr Says:

    Поздравляю, эта замечательная мысль придется как раз кстати


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