Today was the day! Team KindnessGirl met to run Color Me Rad with part of the proceeds going to our friends at the Special Olympics. I originally had grand plans of kindness missions happening while we ran, team pictures*, and messy amazing color- while the other plans were foiled we did get some CRAZY color. SO much so, that I am still trying to get the blue out of my nose after 20 Q-tips…yes, 20!

…and so it occurred to me that while we often ask folks to do kind acts for others- I wondered if it would be rad to leave missions for people/strangers to find and then do on their own. We called this Guerrilla Goodness mission Color Me Kind…

Each little pack had a hand written invitation for the finder to complete one of the following missions:

Leave a FAT tip for a dishwasher at your favorite restaurant. Don’t forget a note of thanks!

Pay for a friend’s next race registration, then tell them to pass it on.

Corral some grocery carts at the store parking lot, then leave a note at the desk for the worker thanking them for all they do. You can also leave a small gift card.

Ding Dong Ditch a bouquet of flowers to your bestie with a kind note, then tell them to pass it on.

We included some Kindness Changes Everything stickers and left them on cars in the parking lot after the race. It was rad…and kind…and fun. Now to see what kindness comes.

All I could think about the entire time I ran was how much my kids would have loved it…so I picked up a few packets of color and some white t-shirts and took the party home.

Pass this mission idea on to anyone in San Diego, Vancouver, Columbus or any of the other upcoming race dates because kindness seems to be the perfect match for this rad run…like so perfect they should get married and have babies together! Thanks Color Me Rad- RVA loves you!

so very sorry to anyone that we missed at the run today…please e-mail me at and I would love to send you one of the little mission packs we gave out today! 

color me kind…

July 20, 2012

hey guys, remember this?! I am so excited it’s finally here. If you are running with Team KindnessGirl, we are meeting at the first aid tent (there should be one, I think!) at 7:50 am for a team picture and I have kindness mission packet for you. You can do it at the race or some other time…can you stand it?!

SO excited to see you all! And in true confession form- I, of course, have not kept up with training, so this girl will be walking and running in all the color glory!

If you remember, shoot me an e-mail at to let me know you are coming so I know how many of us there might be.

Thanks everybody….I am almost home!


photo via Color Me Rad

Just one look at this picture and I decided I was in, whatever it was. Color Me Rad is a 5k race where you start with a squeaky clean white shirt and end up like a rainbow- thanks to a different neon cornstarch-ish color raining on you at each kilometer. Can you imagine anything more fun?

My sister begged me to come to her hometown for a CMR race and I was ready to fly there only to find out we were getting a chance to be human skittles here in RVA on July 21st. To top all of that, if you register and put SpecialOlympics in the promo code, our local Special Olympics gets 20% of the race fee. I so love the SO and all they stand for, especially the good people here in RVA.

So here it is, I wanna run, walk, whatever, just do this thing with YOU or a whole crew of us kindness people together!  We are gathering Team KindnessGirl together now because the race will sell out quick. AND I DON”T WANT YOU TO MISS IT!

To make things even sweeter, my bestie and soul sister Jen Lemons and the beautiful Madisen made a singing ukulele invite just for you…it’s Gaga, pink hair, color mania and kindness all rolled up into one magical thing- I can not imagine anything better on the entire planet.

Here it is, to you with love:

Let’s run and play!

Info you need to know to sign-up:

Color Me Rad, Richmond, Va registration

race cost: $35

Team name: KindnessGirl

team captain’s last name: Salgado

If you decide to run/walk with us, let me know in the comments. I’ll have more specific Team KindnessGirl race info soon, including a kindness mission we can do at the race. Can’t wait to see your shining faces!

