coming soon…

January 27, 2008


a guerilla kindness project coming 2.14.08…are ya in?

10 Responses to “coming soon…”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Bring it on! 😀

  2. Amy Says:

    hmmm…I’m intrigued!

  3. Amy Says:

    I’m in!

  4. Sarah Says:

    heck yeah!

  5. kelly Says:

    you know i’m in

  6. kristen Says:

    bring on the love…. I’ll wear my t-shirt!!

  7. Hi there! I just found your site through your sister’s site. I started a little project in January called “Everyday Kindness” ( I made the commitment to doing one small act of kindness every single day in 2008. So far 25 bloggers have joined me. We are growing by a little bit at a time and have already done over 500 kind acts this year.

    Of course, it’s nothing compared to what you are doing. Hurray for your work here!

    I’d love to be involved in a Guerrilla project and I’m sure our group would help out too!

    You inspire!

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