creating kind spaces…

October 2, 2011

Fall found her way to us this weekend so I pulled a folding table out onto the front porch, well, that and the laundry has been folded so nicely on the dining room table (thank you Jorge) for over 2 weeks now. Who knows when the clothes will find their way to the drawers?

So our family is about to take on a new adventure. It’s the kind that will require a bit of sacrifice from each one of us. I have to be honest and say I’ve been dwelling on the sacrifice part all weekend long, with a touch of worry thrown in. I find when I get stuck and need to be in a new head and heart space, the best place to start is my home. Maybe it’s because hope is cultivated in the places we find rest in, our haven.

A dear friend brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the farmer’s market, I carved pumpkin and gourd votive candle holders, we made homemade pizza with pepperoni stars and I wrote messages left on each plate.

The kids took turns reading their messages, the energy shifting little by little, someone made a toast and then Lucy decided we should all make a wish on our pizza stars. Most members wished for more pizza and voila!- more appeared. We talked about all the things that would suck about the changes ahead and all the parts that would be great.

My message said- Our LOVE is BIG and can hold and fuel our dreams!

Boy, is it true. I wonder why I don’t do this more. Invite our worry and uncertainty to a giant beautiful table of humanity and love, with space to voice our concerns but meet them with intentional hope and goodness. I think this may be the way to do hard and great things, along with some pepperoni wishing, of course.

What helps you when you are worried or facing something big? I usually start with a freak out and end some where in something beautiful, eventually.

16 Responses to “creating kind spaces…”

  1. Sarah Says:

    So what is this big adventure? Sounds like you guys are ready!

    • kindnessgirl Says:

      ack!! So sorry to be so cryptic, I hate when bloggers do that…will be able to spill the beans soon! xo

  2. Bonnie Says:

    Beautifully written and inspirational… thank you! Do you mind if I share this?

  3. frannie Says:

    Oh thank you for that I too am on a huge ‘change’ adventure but truly believe it is only supernatural powers that allow us to relax and take the journey knowing that all we have to do is behave well and the rest is already kinda taken care of….it is natural to fear, worry and complain that is why supernatural ways to behave are harder and need to be a conscious decision,,,,,enjoy the ride girl I am right beside you!

  4. Wishing on pizza stars–I love it! Sounds like a fun family meal. Can’t wait to hear about your big change. I’m usually a little fearful of change too, but I do remind myself that things always work out in the end.

    I gave you a fun award on my blog today! Of course, you’re under no obligation to participate. I just wanted my readers to know how great your blog is. 🙂

  5. Paula Says:

    Thank you for your perfectly timed post. Our family is on our way in to a BIG change/adventure. I tend to freak out and worry and focus on all the things that I don’t like. That I am afraid of. Your post has given me inspiration to sit down at our own table and invite our new life in. Thank You!

  6. This morning when I got to my computer I was a bundle of anxiety and fraying nerves. Then I read this, took a deep breath and smiled at my to-do list. There’s love in my to-do list peeking out behind the worry and uncertainty – I just have to remember to see it. Thank you for reminding me!

    Sending lots of love and support for your adventure!

  7. Brenda Says:

    Patience, my dear….I LOVE the table…so pretty…so welcoming, comforting, and just lovely. You remind us to make the ordinary extraordinary…and the scary can be lovely if you just look at it differently. I’m so inspired!

    BTW, I love that you have the idea and you just DO IT…I have the ideas, but I fear that no one will “play” with me…or I think…”sometime…I’ll do that”…or you name it…the excuses come…

    I’m gonna just DO IT this week! :)…all of those ideas…I’m gonna do more than just THINK about it. 🙂

    Can’t wait to hear about your new adventure…lots of love coming your way!
    Thank you for this sweet spot of my day.

  8. Christine Says:

    Thanks, I so very much love your blog. I actualy love change, though it can be scary…I am in the midst of some life changes, as usual, and it is scary this time. I am staying home with my son a little longer and not going back to work, terrified that my career with go downhill, but loving taking care of my baby! So yes, bring it on universe!

  9. Debby Says:

    patience it will be okay and actually, it will be great!!!!
    Amazing words for an amazing family

  10. rebeccasretreat Says:

    I’ve voted you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

  11. inthecaul Says:

    Love to you on this journey!

  12. Mani Says:

    Best of luck, no matter what your new adventure is. You are amazing, so I am sure that the adventure will be, too!

  13. mrkoenig66 Says:

    It is a pleasure to meet other agents of Random Acts of Kindness; thank you for being a cultivator of positivity.

  14. […] staycation kinda bombed, the bliss and the we-can-do-it togetherness is sort of waning due to even greater uncertainty- it’s like there is always one […]

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