
I’ve written no less than 10 posts…and hit delete or save draft every time.

There is so much I want to say, and yet I have no idea where to start. I wish I had written all along, but alas, I did not.

So instead of trying to catch up, let’s start right here.

I’ve been battling a stomach bug for the last 36 hours, yuck. …but the good part is I am resting, watching mindless television (hello Scandal!!) and it gives me time to make a small offering to you (and myself) today.

I am working on a small project with my dear friend Jen , trying to think of ways to reach a hand out to each other in the dark, or even just a “I am here. You are not alone.”

So if you are plagued with a stomach bug, or too many bills, or family shit, or general sadness, or had a fight with your partner, or have a hard work sitch, or are an exhausted mother, or have no idea what to do with your life, or on the verge of something big or hard, or nothing is wrong in particular but nothing is right either…we have an audio message for you, from one of us, or from a kid.

Text NEED SOME LIGHT to us at: (804) 426-2357

Tell us in a sentence or so what’s going on…and we’ll text you back some love…and kindness…because kindness changes everything…and we can be together in the dark.

(audio messages are available until 12am (EST) on October 8th- but don’t worry, we are going to do this again and soon!! )