happy easter eve…

April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Eve friends (if you celebrate)…we had a glow-in-the dark Easter egg hunt tonight thanks to a  lovely idea off of Pinterest, because we know all roads lead to Pinterest.  The trick is just putting glow bracelets along with your treats in regular ole’ plastic eggs.

And just like that, the magic of the Secret Garden is back. There is nothing more magical than a garden at night with a little glow, the moon glow is the best but we’ll take this substitute this go around.

(very excited kids pre-hunt)

…more Easter goodness tomorrow, hope you all have a wonderful night.



8 Responses to “happy easter eve…”

  1. That looks like so much fun! 🙂

  2. Jeri O. Says:

    Magic!! YOU are the most fun mom ever…no wait, you are the most fun family ever!! Hope it was a blast!! Happy Easter, Happy Spring!!

  3. janet lamont Says:

    What fun to have a night time egg hunt! I must remember that! Happy Easter and/or day. Stay well!

  4. Jen Says:

    Honestly, is there no problem that Pinterest cannot solve? ; )

    Your garden looks even more magical-have a wonderful holiday w/your family!

  5. pathwriter Says:

    Wonder-full! 🙂

  6. jules423 Says:

    I didn’t see these on Pinterest – what a cool idea. I hope to use glow in the dark paint in glass jars I am saving – to put on my deck for a luminary effect – and I hope to plant a moon garden with lots of white flowers and moon flowers (sort of like morning glories, but white flowers). Lots and lots of ideas on Pinterest – thanks for sharing this very special and fun one!

  7. Tacy Says:

    Very cool idea!!! 🙂

    • janet lamont Says:

      Tried it…and it was so fun! the looks on everyones faces when they realized this was a different kind of “hunt” was precious!! thank you so much for sharing this wonderful adventure.

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