guerrilla goodness: Sidewalk Chalk Love Redux

September 11, 2009

you are fantastic

So Loki (the cutest kid you ever did see) came with his mom, Thea,  in the pouring rain last Sunday to GG. He somehow held hope is his heart that our little event of kindness could still happen. For this reason alone, I knew we must reschedule. I guess you just never know what kindness will hold and when it is best meant to pour out on the world.

Here we go:

Sunday, September 13

3pm in front of the Carillon (near Byrd Park)

I will provide directions and chalk, you just show up with lots of joy!

Rain plan- If it is raining at 3pm we will take it as our sign from the universe that next year will be the right time to try again.

Hope to see you all there!  Can’t wait to tell you about the next mission I’ve been cooking up. This one will be for the 21 and older crowd…hmmmm, drinking, bar hopping and Guerrilla Goodness-ing. Can’t wait!

Please, please spread the word. Twitter, Facebook, and blog to get the word out RVA!

5 Responses to “guerrilla goodness: Sidewalk Chalk Love Redux”

  1. Hello, I just found your blog via Twitter. I met Jorge at the GayRVA re-launch this week. I got teary reading the goodness in your blog just now and will be there this Saturday!

  2. Thea Says:

    Loki and I were super happy to help spread some guerilla kindness today. Can’t wait to see the kid’s faces tomorrow. Thank you SO MUCH for organizing everything!! Can’t wait to help out next time…

  3. […] sky was blue, the air warm, the breeze cool…everything the weather wasn’t just a week ago. I drove with the boys in the hoopty thinking along the way,  there […]

  4. leilaniinspires Says:

    Hi! I am looking for random acts of kindness ideas and I love your idea of the sidewalk chalk! Would it be okay to use here in Canton, Ohio?
    Thanks! Leilani

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